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Workshop Calculation and Science

Old Syllabus (Before 2019)

Workshop Calculation

Unit: Systems of unit- FPS, CGS, MKS/SI unit, unit of length, Mass and time, Conversion of units

Fractions : Fractions, Decimal fraction, L.C.M., H.C.F., Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimals, conversion of Fraction to Decimal and vice versa. Simple problems using Scientific Calculator.

Square Root : Square and Square Root, method of finding out square roots, Simple problem using calculator.

Workshop Calculation and Science

Old Syllabus (Before 2019)

ore skills enhance knowledge, Analytical ability, problem solving ability, understanding or comprehending drawings & designs and also enriches on scientific principles. At the same time it creates the base for achieving Hard skills. To carry out any skill related task the know how about basic science & related calculation is essential as it helps in scientific way of executing the task.