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Choose the correct answers:
1. 0.1 x 0.01 =
a) 0.1
b) 0.01
c) 0.001
d) 0.0001

2. If the volume of pure water is given as 62 m3  and its mass as 62000 kg, then the density=
a) 100 kg m-3
b) 10 kg m-3  
c) I000 kg m-3
d)1 x 10-3

3.The perimeter of rectangle is 320m, its sides are in the ratio of 5:3 then its area is -
a) 6000 m-2
b) 3000 m-2
c) 12000 m-2
d) 24000 m-2

4. A Force due to pull of gravity is Known  as________

a) Weight.. 
b) Force

c) Mass

d) None of these

5.The unit of energy in SI system is -
a) Joule
b) Calorie
c) Erg
d) Electron volt

6. The weight of cube material of 14 cm side and whose density is 7.8gms/cc is -
a) 21.4 kg
b) 25.4 kg
c) 44.4 kg 
d) 34.4 kg

7. Find the ratio of 90 cm to 15 m.
a) 3:50
b) 5:3
c) 6:1.
d) None of these

8. The example of potential energy is –
a) Blowing wind
b) Rotating Wheel
c) Flowing Water
d) Water in over head tank
9. Parentage of kind of fraction whose denominator is always -
a) 0
b) 1
c) 10 
d) 100

10 .12846x593+12846x407=(.........)
a) 24064000

b) 12846000
c) 24038606
d) 24203706

a) 196
b) 169
c) 125
d 225

12. if 250/vx =10. Find the value of x.
a) 6250
b) 2506
c) 625

d) 256

13. Compare the ratios 2:3 & 4:7.
a) 2:3 < 4:7
b) 2:3>4:7

c) 2:3=4:7
d) None of these

14. 342197 x 9999=
a) 3221627803
b) 3521627803
c) 3421627803
d) 3321627803

15. lf the side ofa square is inereased by 25%, then its area is inereased by_________%.
a 56.25
b) 50
c) 125
d) 156 25

16. When we apply force on any cbject, it changes its position, we say that_______is done.
al Nothing
b) work
c) Effort
d) Nene of these

17. Work depends upon_______.
a) Amount of force
b) The distance through which object moves
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) Neither (a) nor (b)

18. The two diagonals are not necessarily equal in a_____.
a) Rectangle
b) Square
c) Rhombus     
d) loosceles trapezium

19.The bisectors of any two adjacent angles of a parallelogram intersect at-
a) 30°
b) 45
c) 600
d) 900

20, How many diagonals are there in a hexagon?
a) 6
b) 8
c) 9
d) 10

21. 3/5 =?
a) 30%
b) 40%
c) 45%
d) 60%

22. 0.8% when expressed as decimal is -
a) 0.08
b) 0.008
c) 8.
d) 0.8

23. What least number must be subtracted from 176 to make it a perfect square?

a) 16
b) 10
c) 7
d) 4

24. ___can neither be created nor be destroyed.
a) Work
b) Power
c) Energy
d) All of these

25. To find______energy, We use the formulae mgh.
a) Mechanical
b) Electrical
c) Potentiral
d) Kinectic