Choose the correct answer.
1. Which of following is rule of indices?
a) xa ÷ xb = xa+b
b xa ÷ xb = xa-b
c x6 ÷ xb= xab
d) All of these
2. If the sum of roots are 12 and product of roots is 30, then the equation will be_____
a) x2-10x+30=3
b) x²-10x-30=0
c) x²-30x+10=1
d) None of these
3. Solve the factor of x2-36
a) (x-6)(x+6)
b) (x-6)(x-6)
c)(x-6) (x-4)
d) None of these
4. The value of roots for the equation x2-9x+20-
a) (5,4)
b) (-5,4)
c) (5,-2)
d) None of these
5. Divide 80x20 /80x5
a) 0.1x4
b) 0.1x10
c) 0.1x15
d) None of these
6. The time required to complete a revolution is known as_____
a) Time period
b) Frequency
c) Amplitude
d) None of these.
7. The ratio of resistance and impedance called____
a) Inductance
b) Power factor
c) Amplitude
d) None of these
8. The number of revolution completed by a wave in a second is called_______
a) Frequency
b) Time Period
c) Both(a)&(b)
d) None of these.
9. In alternating current IR.M.S=_________.
a) 0.707 Imax
b) 0.637Imax
c) 2.3 Imax
d) 5.6 Imax
10. Peak value alternation ceroent Can be ________
a) Negative
b) Positive
c) Both(a)&(b)
d) None of these
11. Iaverage=________
a) o.706 Imax
b) 0.637 Imax
c) 8.67 Imax
d) None of these
12. The value of current at instant__________in postitive or negative period.
a) R.M.S. value
b) Instantaneous valus
c) Less valus
d) None of these
13. C= C1 +C2+ C3+______?formula shows capacitors are________
a) In series connection
b) In parallel connection
c) ln compound connection
d) None of these
14. if two resistances are connected in parallel connection then resultant resistance will be-
a) 10 ohm
b) 20 ohm
c) 5 ohm
d) None of these
15.Which is the best material for magnet?
a) Steel
b) Cobalt
c) Mangese
d) All of these
16. If two inductor are.connected in parallel connection then resultant inductance will be_____
a) 5Henry
b) 20 Heny
c) 100 Henry
d) None of these
17 The ratio of lateral strain to Iongitudinal strain is________
a) Poisson ratio
b) Stress
c) Strain
d) Compressive strain
18. Factor of safety=____
a) Real length /change in length
b) Lateral ratio / longitdinal stress
c) Ultimate stress /working stress
d) None of these
19. A rod having longth of 10cm, on applying a tensile force its length changes to 10.2cm then what will be the value of strain.
a) 8.6
b) 5.6
c) 3.6
d) None of these
20. The unit of magntic motive force-
a) Weber
b) Weber/ampere
c) Ampere turn.
d) None of these
21.According te hook law in elastic limit stress is_________ to strain.
a) Dirrecly proportional
b) lnversely proportional
c) Equal
d) None of these
22. l bar = _________ Pascal.
a) 100000
b) 100
c) 1000
d) None of these
23.Absolute pressure=gauge pressure+______
a) 1x Atmospheric pressure
b) 2xAtmospheric pressure
c) 3xAtmospheric pressure
d) None of these
24. The atmospheric pressure is measured by-
a) Barometer
b) Manometer
c) Hydrometer
d) None of these
25. The pressure measured above the zero level is_________
a) Absolute pressure
b) Guage Pressure
c) Both(a)&(b)
d) None of these